Sunday, July 18, 2004

the move has begun!!!

Well my friends, the first of my belongings have moved to my new house! Only a few short weeks until I move, and when I do there will be great amounts of excitement and such.

Now that the music schtuff has been moved, Grrr…Records has officially opened for business. While I can’t spill all the details yet, this will be my recording studio, and hopefully we can attract many bands here. The basement (where the studio itself resides) still needs to be finished and I’m investing a lot of cash into electronics and acoustics. I hope to have everything complete within a year, but we shall see…

A couple rooms and woodwork still needs painting, and I am getting all new carpeting. As I mentioned, this will take a couple weeks to get done before I’m permanently moved, and I’ll be sure to let everyone know when this is all ready. Until then, I’ll be emptying my bank account and racking up credit card bills for the next 60 years or so.

If anyone has any ideas for the house, let me know and I will jot it down on my list.

Thanks boys n girls J
