Tuesday, July 31, 2001

If only...

If only I could smash Gerard's face and enter the Magic Pro Tour :)

Actually I'm very happy with placing 4th at the qualifier on Sunday -- I really never expected to do so well but I was *very* focused and used up every last one of those 150+ IQ points :) When the going gets tough, the tough get going, or whatever... I hope to attend the September 1st qualifier where my goal will be to do better than 4th. Things will work out well, hopefully...

Other than that it's been a great past week. Except for the fact that I'm still jobless, and money isn't anywhere in my line of sight. As some of you may know already, I started playing guitar -- and although I still totally suck I'm actually learning some stuff here and there. The other day I busted out my sister's old electric guitar -- it's from like, the late 60's so I'm sure it will sound absolutely amazing once I get strings for it.


Friday, July 27, 2001

More 3AM Conversation...

It's been quite a while since I've actually stayed up this late and had the opportunity to let my mind wander just a "little". Actually I think I'll stay pretty sane and probably a little philisophical here and there. The past few weeks I really haven't had much time to do much "hardcore thinking"
but I think it's all coming back to me now.

This summer has gone by faster than a speeding bullet train so far. It feels just like yesterday that I finished up the rink and got my computer certifications and all that. Well, guess what -- I'm STILL looking for a job AND doing pretty much everything else just as before. Actually, this summer feels almost like the ones back when I started high school. I wasn't working, and everyday was a designated do-nothing day. I don't need loads of money. I don't really need much at all to be happy. The only difference between then and now is that I have so many more friends than previously.
Back when I was 14 or 15 there was this huge emptiness inside that I longed for. I guess my dream has come true. It's really a great feeling.

They say you can't re-live the past -- but really, that's almost exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm doing it the way I always wanted to. I want to make it right this time. I've worked hard in the past few years to get to where I am today. I've totally changed my personality, overcome some personal shortfalls and become a much better person. But really, I'm just the same kid. It's hard to explain really, but the main idea is that so many times people think that they can never go back to the stuff they did in the past -- at which time I was only in my early teenage years. It's really simple really. Sometimes we try too hard for something that's within our own grasp -- only to learn so later. It's true, people change. They grow up, move away, get a job and live happily ever after. Then what happens?
We don't know. They live their own little lives unknown to those why knew them earlier.

Another thing that made me think about this whole deal is the continuing quote that I heard through high school and still read today. "Most of your high school friends will drift away after graduation". I really don't understand this. Well, all right actually I do. Maybe. It's simple, really. People change, just as I mentioned above. But people are constantly changing...does that mean that you can only be friends with a person for a limited amount of time? (In the back of my head I'm wondering if this school of thought can explain the high divorce rate of Americans today). Anyways... As much as we change we pretty much remain the same, just as in my own case. We still maintain our personal needs and desires for the most part.

Most of my friends share some sort of common interest...which in my case is computers. (Actually it first started with Magic, and then evolved somewhat). When your range of interest broadens, your circle of friends becomes bigger. Well, as long as you are around others who share the same interests. Then again, maybe not. For example, Nally and I were in the same computer class my sophomore year in high school. Why weren't we good friends then? (rhetorical questions at 3:15am :) I can't explain everything. In my opinion, common interest can begin a friendship, but personality strengthens it. The cool part here is -- all my friends -- every last one of them -- has a very unique personality -- YET -- the share something in common with my own that it creates a bond. Not covalent bonds, either. And with all my friends every facet is fully covered, and when we're all together it creates one huge diverse melting pot of ideas and stuff. When we are all at our best (and I admit, this doesn't happen all the time) it's such a great experience.

And that, my friends -- is what made Wednesday night so great.

Oh and another thing -- I miss the rink. I know I sound like such a stupid moron for saying that, but I miss working for people or something like that.


Thursday, July 26, 2001

MuZaKfest 2001!!! (WOW that was fun!)

It's really cool that we FINALLY got together once again to practice our musical abilities! It sounded awesome! We haven't done this in like, 18 months guys.

The funny part was, none of this was planned or anything. Alex mentioned the idea to me over the phone today so I give credit to him for getting this thing together. Brian -- as much as you hate it...BRING YOUR BASS NEXT TIME! Also -- you didn't burn the O-TOWN videos to the CD. Hrmmm...can you take a guess at what happened to them? There's no such thing as a network recycle bin :)

So I just wanna know your guys' opinions on how everything went last night and suggestions on how we can make this work out again. Do you just want to keep playing to mp3's while mazz and I man the microphone? Or start playing stuff on our own and stuff? I think once we get a little more practice we should be able to do that more.

One other thing -- I PROMISE NOT to EAT the microphone again.

Also, I'm sorry that the request for Sweet Child O' Mine was not fulfilled.
Maybe next time, Geoff. Then again, maybe not.

My suggestion is to keep playing at least once a week, maybe on Wednesdays after softball, or any other weekday that may be convenient to all of us. I know that school is creeping up on us fast, and I'd like to try to gain a lot of ground on this while we can.


Later guys -- practice good music. Bring it on next week.

Monday, July 23, 2001

My road adventure pt. UNO

I went out west.

I wore a big cowboy hat and stuff.

I picked up big-breated hookers.

I had a lot of fun.

Then, it all came crashing down on me.

I played UNO for six days straight.

Strip UNO.

Unfortunately, I lost too many games.

And was forced to do things that no man should be allowed to do:

Listen to Uncle Kracker for the next 12 hours.

That song is stuck in my head GODDAMMIT!!!!

foooooooolooooooooooowwwwwww meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya get the picture?

Payce out

Sunday, July 22, 2001

Home SCHWEET Home!!!!!!!

Yes my friends, I HAVE returned! That's right -- a week early, since our family likes to see everything really FAST. Yay. What else can I say?

I need some updates as to the ongoings in the ZA community in my absence, but I'll probably just call everyone sooner or later.

Don't worry, I'll write boatloads of e-mails about my fantastic voyage. I just got back an hour ago and need to settle in a little first...

-The magnificent ZaRocks

Friday, July 6, 2001

Thoughts before leaving...

Hey guys, I'd first like to apologize for being so abrupt about the vacation decision...although I *did* have a choice whether or not to go, it really wasn't. I expected to get the job at ElectroRent, but my interviews were delayed twice and therefore I was unable to convince my parents that I'd be better off staying home.

I know it's tough being away from everyone for 3 weeks...I am not particularly fond of it myself, but I had to look at the big picture and realize that I may not get to go on vacation (esp. out west) for a very long, long, long time so I didn't want to pass up the opportunity, as I did TWICE last year. I had a lot of things planned with my friends, and it sorta sucks that I had to change them last minute. That doesn't mean, though, that you guys can't have fun while I'm gone! There's a whole lotta stuff for you guys to do together so I hope everyone enjoys the summer while I am gone.

Again, I understand that it may seem like I'm giving up on the summer...but that's so far from the truth. As I mentioned before, I didn't really have much of a choice (even though I did, it was implied that I go away or be castrated, or something like that...). So in turn I'm trying to find the positives in this whole thing. Would I rather stay home? Yes, most definitely. It's easier and I enjoy the freedoms. Was it a viable choice I could make? Not in this situation...

I could go on and on and on explaining everything but I just think it's best to say that I wish everyone the best of luck and hope that fun and excitement follows everyone around. I'll definitely call you guys on occasion to see whazzap and everything...

-Chris A. Czaplicki

Thursday, July 5, 2001

A GAME for EVERYONE to PLAY! (even you)

Greetings honored friends!

Today we will play a very fun game that I invented. It is called "I'll Play Your Game You Rogue" It is very simple and easy to learn. Once you play it a couple times you will have your entire family gathered 'round the computer having a great time!

Just follow the simple instructions in this e-mail and enjoy hours and hours of fun with friends and family!

1) Go outside, knock on a neighbor's door and tell them in a plain voice "I'll Play Your Game you Rogue". British accents are optional. Give yourself 10 points. If no one answers the door only score 5, but if you hear a dog barking inside you can give yourself 6. Don't cheat on the dog thing either...it will hurt your score later in the game. Oh yeah, and if you leave the front porch with a black eye or bruise anywhere on your face, score an additional 25 points! Games are often won this way, so use careful strategy when choosing neighbors.

2) Go to a DIFFERENT neighbor's house. Instead of knocking on their door, shout as loud as you can in any window "I'll play your game you rogue".
Then hide in their shrubs, under the porch or anywhere else where you cannot be easily seen. If the neighbor comes outside to investigate and does not find you, score 10 points. If the neighbor isn't home or does not come out, they are probably having good sex and don't want to be disturbed. Deduct 5 points from your score for such a rueful move. Finally, if the family dog comes outside and attacks you in hiding, you get a 5 point bonus. If the dog has rabies, you automatically win the game!!! It will be your last victory before you die.

3) Go into the middle of your street, do a handstand, and do a log roll through the next 3 intersections (one must be a main street, so you may want to plan your route ahead of time). If you perform this correctly, you should be able to stand back up and somersault back to your original position. Score a whopping 5 points if you do not suffer any open wounds during this step. If you were hit by a car, don't worry you can play the game some other time. If you were stopped by a police car and taken for a drug test, give yourself a 5 point bonus.

This is where the game gets a little harder...

4) Look for the nearest garbage can. Imitate a raccoon. Score 1 point for every 200 calories ingested. FYI dog poop averages 50 calories per ounce.
Maggots are high in protein but do not provide the calories necessary to score high in this round. You receive an automatic disqualification for searching more than 1 garbage can.

5) Find a manhole cover. Open it up, jump in and walk around for a little while. Yell "Turtle Power" at least 10 times, each time with a different voice for each of the 4 Ninja Turtles. Give yourself 2 extra points if you can also do Splinter's voice. Once you decide to surface, find another manhole cover, pop it open and walk back home. This is a very strategic play, as a lot of scoring can be done here. If you resurface on a sidestreet, earn 5 points. On a state route, 10 points. On an interstate freeway get 25 big points!

6) Show up at Za's House. Stink will bark at you and lick you. Say "I'll play your game you rogue" and receive a special prize. Also, you may need some surgery.

Ok that was terribble...I quit!

Monday, July 2, 2001

Happy New Month! (and second semester 2001)

Yes, we are officially in the second semester of the Year 2001. How was the first half? Good? Bad? Ugly? Fun? Exciting? Bootylicious? or something in-between?

Sorry, I'm not gonna give my Year 2001 Review yet, we'll have to wait until the EOY (end of year) for that. I'm looking in the present tense, anyways...I'm going through a VERY delicate situation with my parents right now (has to do with vacation) so I'm like, so confused right now and it's not fun.

I really don't have too much else to write since there's not much on my mind right now -- and I'm not about to go off on a tangent with my good ol'
"stream of consciousness". I'm just really happy right now about things and hopefully the summer can go as smoothly as it has so far. We had a great ZaFest on Friday and I hope that everyone's 4th of July will be full of fun 'n' excitement as well.

And hopefully I'll be able to get this stupid JOB!
