Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Ok...this was uncalled for...

There ain't that much I can say that everyone doesn't know already...today was a very tragic day in American history. I don't think words can really describe the horrible act of violence witnessed in our country today.

We can go on and on trying to find solutions. Todays actions prove that even our national megapower has it's own weaknesses. We aren't invincible, no matter how technologically advanced we may think we can be. In fact, we have many weaknesses. I hesitate to say that our country is a "time bomb", but the sad truth is that even the simplest of problems can sometime bring our great nation to it's knees. Our economy is finding itself in a world of hurt right now...although probably the least of our concerns right now...

I have never experienced such an extreme tragedy in my lifetime...at least that I am conscious of at this time. If nothing else, we can see it as a "wake up call" to all those who still believe that we're invincible. We learned when Shakespeare wrote "Security is mortals' chiefest enemy".
Anything can happen at any time.

Our country is fairly peaceful. You don't see too many acts of violence in everyday life, but many times in the news we hear about violence in the city and stuff. It really makes you wonder why we're killing ourselves. Disarm yourselves. Give peace a chance.

In memory of all those who have perished this morning; the passengers and the pilots on the USAir and AA flights, the workers in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and all the innocent bystanders. Our prayers go out to the friends and families of the deceased. Send this to five people to show your support. DONT BREAK IT


Sunday, September 9, 2001

ZA Report September 9, 2001

Ah yessss....another ZA e-mail in as many days! Here it goes:

What is a chocobo?
-Chocobos are really large chickens that you can ride around on. Some are built for racing and others stay on a farm for transport. Most believe that chocobos are the safest method of transportation.

What is a fat chocobo?
-One in 16 chocobos are fat. The fall to the ground and crush anything underneath. Very useful when someone is trying to bite your ear off.

What's up with Alena these days?
-Princess Alena is set to be coronated as queen of Alexandria in 3 days, following the unfortunate death of Queen Brahne. Cristo is in shambles, since the new queen will be unable to talk to mere commoners. His undying love for such a beautiful girl will have to end.

So what is Cristo up to then?
-Not much. Trying to avoid the charms of Mara the child prodigy. She's only 6 for god's sake!

What's new at the rink?
-Watching old videos of Cristo and Alena

What's new at the Za Shack?
-Downloading videos of Cristo and Alena

What videos did they appear in?
-U2 Elevation, Linkin Park - In the End, Metallica - Enter Sandman, and a random Japanese Coca Cola commercial

What's the weirdest thing about this e-mail?
-Everything I wrote is 100% TRUE. Find out for yourself, or come to the next ZaFest to find the answers!

-Chris(to) -- it makes sense, doesn't it?

Friday, September 7, 2001

ZA Report Septermer 7, 2001

The E-ZA Weekly has temporarily been renamed the E-ZA Report. I have been threatened for gimmick infringement by the Penguin Weekly so I fear I will lose my court battle if I insist. Also, the new name sounds more professional anyways.

What's new in the Life of Za?
-Not much, as usual. This week saw the return of Eddie to Cleveland, which offered a nice change of pace. A few mini-fests here and there, ended with a very syrup-filled pancake dinner at Denny's. MMmmmm.... Does it get any better than that? In a word, NO!
-I also started the rink last week, and I have to say that I'm glad to be back! I just received my first paycheck today and although it was very tiny
($72) it's what I really need right now.
-I got a haircut earlier today.

Do you have any new hobbies?
-Well, besides picking up guitar in the past month, I've been doing much of the usual. Magic, Diablo and the occasional social outlets that no one else knows about :) I'm talking about dreams! Don't ask what they are about...I don't really remember many details...except most of them were good. Forget that, actually. I am considering 'Job Interviews' as a full-time hobby as well :) I've sure been to enough of them!

What do you think about all this new music?
-Glad you asked. I have to thank Joe and Alex for getting me into all this new cool 'modern' rock that's been filling the airwaves. I really like a lot of it. So much of the new music is upbeat and intelligent. (well, about as intelligent as music can get in this day in age). I could give a full list of great new songs to download, but I'll leave that up to my fellow colleagues for that.

What is the best thing that happened to you in the last couple weeks?
-Good things always happen to me...even though they don't appear to be. I always try to take any situation (even if it appears to be horrible) and turn it around to have some sorta positive meaning. Alas, I was unable to do this recently :) I did get my Static IP address FINALLY. I did get my first paycheck in 4 months. I got to see Eddie FINALLY and got to hang out with a lot of friends I haven't seen in awhile. I got to spend a great day down in Akron with Joe and seen him make the Top 8 of the Magic Pro Qualifier. I've been doing very well with my guitar. I found some great items in Diablo 2. And...I get to bother everyone on Instant Messenger!

What's the worst thing that happened to you in the last couple weeks?
-I had to clean plexiglass at the rink for about 2 1/2 hours last Thursday.
My hands smelt like cat urine afterwards from the herendous smell of the cleaner. Uncle Ralphie should have paid me double for that. Boo.

What is one thing you want to accomplish in the next couple weeks?
-Beat Final Fantasy 9 already! I've had the game since last November but I put it on the shelf after experiencing a breakdown in personal interests.
I'll have to find time some way or other!!!

What is the funniest thing that happened in the past couple weeks.
-The Lev conversation. 'nuff said!

What changes/enhancements will the Za Shack see in the near future?
-Nothing is planned yet. The fall/winter arrangement is near full completion, although I will make some minor adjustments, most likely. I'm satisfied with everything for now. I have very few dollars to do many things right now. And until I learn how to spruce stuff up for free, things will remain the same for now.

What about all these job interviews/resumes you've been having?
-It doesn't bother me anymore. Which is very nice, since I've been turned down so many times that I really have no reason to worry. I just don't get my hopes up as much as I did anymore. But it still doesn't keep me from trying, and if something comes along in the meantime, I'll *POUNCE* on the opportunity!

You are such a hermit. Get out of your hole in the ground.
-As much as I would like to, I really don't have too many options right now.
If you have any ideas, let me know -- I'd be glad to find stuff to do once in awhile!

Life sucks...how can you possibly be positive about stuff all the time?
-Let's put it this way. Even if you hate your situation just *pretend* it's the coolest thing ever. Eventually you'll start to believe it. And that's when nothing can deceive you.

Nothing can deceive you, eh?
-Ok, maybe I'm naive but at least I admit it up front. I can look at anything straight in the eye and understand.

What keeps you going all this time?
-Colon Blow. And racing Chocobos too.