Friday, August 31, 2001

Another year of college v3.0

Ahh yes, another session of learning has commenced. Bells are ringing, children singing. Parties everywhere, and weird stuff in my hair. Ok maybe not but it was an idea at least.

BTW ppl, sorry for the lack of e-mails in the past couple weeks. I'm in my little "transition" period here myself where I just need time to get everything in order. Or maybe just to get my head straight again. I've been keeping busy with little things here and there...

I've also started the rink as well. My 5th year. Yay. It's $$$ so I really can't complain...for now. I sent out about 12 resumes in the past week so the job hunt has accelerated somewhat for me. I'm pretty focused right now at finding any sort of job in my field -- my parents are starting to get on my back about it, and I thank them for that 'cause at least it's a motivating factor.

So the past summer has been a lot of fun -- I accomplished just about everything I wanted to (well, except for getting a job and moving out :) Other than that, every day was very enjoyable, and I had a great time with all my friends. I admit the tank was nearing "E" near the end of the summer. But now I'm just trying to relax and re-coop and continue to progress over the autumn months. I guess you can say I was ready for a "change of scenery" -- and I only mean that in a good way :) I'm very motivated to get back to work and try to be PRODUCTIVE for once! Well, I just want to keep focus -- at least until I get through this whole job ordeal.

But this summer has definitely been the best I've had in the past couple years (well, summer '98 for anyone who is counting). Life is good and stress is low. Maybe too low. Then again, maybe not. That's what happened last fall, with nowhere to go. No more bitching, ok?

Although now is the time to make preparations. I enjoyed what I did this summer. It would be even better if we could do something neat and productive while we do what we enjoy. The entire website thing is a start.
What else can we do? Now that I have a full cast of computer techs in Cyberpalace, it may be a good idea to think about doing something in that department. We also like Magic. Another idea. And music. Another idea.
And everything. Many many many many many ideas. And then a big problem.
No direction. Or is there? My magic 8-ball says that we'll never find it unless we look. To quote Procol Harum, "Although my eyes are open, they might just as well have been closed" Nuts. Ratties. Arrrrgh. But there's no one to blame. We're young, we're just starting out and in all honesty we don't know two shits about where to start. Is that a motivating factor?
Possibly. I hope it is. We need to figure stuff out. One by one. Ok fine enuff talk let's do something :)


Monday, August 20, 2001

Some final thoughts to wrap-up summer...

Well ladies and gentlemen, the weeks have come and gone sooooo's that time of the year once again to pull out the pencils and calculators (and kool-aid mix) and start another fun year at school. A lot of things happened this summer...some good...some bad.

I got screwed out of countless jobs -- that wasn't good...unless you are a fan of myself not working. I was not particularly fond of getting a job. I don't know why I never really liked the idea myself :)

At the ZA shack I cloned a computer. WAIT A SECOND I'M NOT GOING HERE!!!

But overall I think everyone had a very enjoyable time off to pursue different hobbies and interests. My hobby was simple: do nothing. That's right. I did nothing. At first I sorta felt bad about it, but after awhile I really felt kinda good. The only problem is the fact that it will be a fairly rigorous task to do any sort of work after being idle for 4 months straight. Such is life. I'll find solutions. I always do.

We also played lots of Diablo II and other various computer-related activities. We also played softball and music like the stars we are. We are all stars in my mind...and yours. We can be heroes -- for just one day.
And to quote Sean Connery "My day will come". Ok that wasn't quite exactly what he said but you get the picture. Enjoy life while you can: keep it nice and simple. And always look at the brighter side of things.

Oh -- and I also went on a 2-week vacation. I know I don't mention it much at all, and maybe that's because words cannot possibly describe the value of my experinces out there. It's true I didn't do anything too "spectacular"
but to say that I learned little is a complete understatement. I am very happy that my right-brain has matured to enjoy the intangibles that I received. Yay.

So...where do we go from here??? The topic has come up dozens of times in the past few weeks, and in a sense I really never developed a full answer.
That's probably because there's no 'definite' answer. What's the point of life if you have answers to everything? There's plenty of opportunity out there. TRY AND GRAB THE WORLD BY THE TAIL! But be realistic. As much as I'd like to -- I'm not gonna be some big rock star that deserves a song by Wesley Willis anytime soon. But that's fine. I want to continue my passions.

Maybe it still doesn't make any sense at all. Maybe life is senseless...but...that attitude just doesn't make sense. Maybe some of us are just soooo confused right now that we need to take a step 'backwards'
and re-assess our priorities. Why are we soooo afraid to do this? I've
seen a couple of my friends do this already, and have really made significant improvements. I want everyone to be happy. I want everyone to be satisfied. I want everyone to get a meaningful experience out of life.
If there was ever one thing my sister taught was to make the most out of your experiences. I've tried and tried. At times I've others I've failed. But I am finding that the more I try to make situations more positive -- the more I learn from them. Just like my vacation. I could have been miserable for 2 weeks. But I'm sure everyone doesn't want to hear about that again.

Let me be the first to say -- today's society wants to make everyone dissatisfied. We don't have the "feel-good" post-WWII baby boom attitude anymore. Instead we feel the need to get the biggest house and the biggest car and the most expensive clothes and if we don't then we're a failure. Or else we've been deprived. But then, something bigger and better comes along and we can't be satisfied with what we've got. In the meantime we leave behind everything that IS important to us (in reality, such as family, etc.) in an attempt to keep feeding our egos. It's like our society preaches that our main goal in life is to become bigger than Jesus. WAIT A SECOND -- WHAT DID WE LEARN IN THE BIBLE ABOUT THOSE WHO WANTED TO DO THIS??? Is society inherently evil? No. But we are easily tempted into forgetting our main purpose in life. If you don't know what that is, gimme a call and I can help discuss that with you.

I really feel bad for the generation directly following ours -- actually the
'87 -> group. A lot of them are growing up on Nintendo (although we're probably just as guilty of that one), pure GARBAGE TV, pure GARBAGE Music (well, not everything, but some of it is just very disheartening) I don't have a problem with my 11-year-old cousing listening to BSB or N'Sync. But when I see an Eminem CD in their posession I can only feel the dagger twist inside my stomach. And don't get me wrong -- I think that Eminem has some very REAL messages that mature audiences can relate to (actually they're probably very similar to what I'm writing here now except for the lack of profanity), BUT it definitely isn't appropriate to ANYONE of such a young age. Young kids don't need to be corrupted by this type of ****. They have a hard enough time already. I was fortunate enough to be raised without any of these disturbances. But seriously...we've got problems. I don't want to whine about them all day and NOT take action. I have waaaay too many family members that I love that I cannot just sit on my hands.

Although I have been doing a very small part, at least. I work with pre-teens and young teenagers everyday while I'm at the rink. I see a large number of them who have a large number of behavioral problems either with peers or authority. I try to do my part in acting as a good example for these kids; and many times I can do something to help settle conflicts between them. In a sense, I see myself as a "big brother" to a lot of the youngsters. In my 4 years of service at the rink, I believe I have gained an invaluable learning experience. At first I would just 'YELL' at everyone. All the kids were monsters. Now I see that a lot of them respect me. A lot. We joke around all the time. I try to see that everyone has a good time. If I see a lonely kid on the ice I'll try to communicate with them. Even a smile here and there is encouraging to a young person. I love kids. I would never want any harm to any one of them. And I feel that I can reach some of them in ways that no others may be able to.

While I write this -- I think if I want to change my college major. I don't really think I'll major in child psychology (but the idea persists).
Instead, I could always lean towards the philosphy/sociology major. Then of course there is religion (which I actually have a very large interest in, since it crosses over soooo many different topics). The possiblities seem endless! I just feel so fortunate that I can support myself through my computer knowledge to allow studies in other fields. I sometimes 'joke'
about getting 6 Ph.D's or something like that. Who may happen.
I need to find something I truly enjoy. I'll figure it out eventually.
Until then, I think I'll think about getting some sleep!


Thursday, August 16, 2001

A few MORE words from ZA

Sometimes I wonder how I can write so much but rest assured I'm a perfectly healthy human being. It's no surprise, really. I've done this for years and have enjoyed it enough that I continue onward.

I figure since a lot of people are preparing to go back to school, this would be an opportune time to plan a final "ZaFest" for the summer.
Actually, there's a pretty good chance that it won't be at my house (a big picnic or something) to accomodate everyone. Basically, everyone on this mailing list is invited -- maybe more, so if you've got any ideas let me know so I can make plans soon. This may mean we have to do this sometime during the week next week (if everyone goes back on the weekend), so I'll plan strategically.

Other than that, if there is anything else going on next week (sorry I'm going camping this weekend) let me know as well. I'll try to call everyone later either today or Friday and see what is a brewin'.

Until next time,
-ZA Rhox

A few words from the ol' Za Meister

Ok guys...right now I just need to let off some steam and maybe find something positive out of this whole ordeal.

Actually I don't feel that bad anymore, though. This morning was of the very few times I was well, sorta pissed off about something. But that's immaterial right now. To make a long story short, I was once again screwed out of yet ANOTHER job. That's right -- no $$$ in budget to hire me for 3 weeks. To add insult to injuiry, the temp agency assured me there was no problem with their budget last week.

But so what -- another freaking setback. How cool is that? It's ok, though. I think over the past year I have become immune to personal setbacks. I don't know how many of them I have had in the last 12 months.
I don't expect anything anymore. I fear nothing. I just do whatever I want and be happy with what I got. And maybe someday I'll get my "big break".

And I don't really think it's that bad of an attitude at all. A few months ago I wrote a whole bunch of stuff about how I *expected* a "big break" or something to that order. But many famous people have said that the best things in life come to you when you "least expect" them. So over a natural progression, I have taken this stance. At least I'm happy with it. There were times before when I was dissatisfied with myself, and knew I could do better. I still can, BUT...I know from my past experiences that the best things in life come naturally and are usually spontaneous. Oh yeah -- I'm not "giving up", either. I NEVER GIVE UP. I'm just saying that the door is open to just about anything right now. It's like I'm in a boat floating down a calm river and if anything happens along the way -- fair enough.

But what do I know? It could turn out disasterous...that boat may find itself into Class 6 rapids and I'm thrown out into ROCKS! Oh no, not that!!! The chances of that are highly unlikely.

One thing is clear now, least I'm *satisfied* with where I'm at...even if it's being a "first class bum" or something to that order. As long as I continue to work hard at my goals and experience what life has to offer, there's no doubt I'll come out OK.

So really, it goes back to my main attitude of having a positive outlook on things. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. But even that is sort of irrelevant here as well. This is a personal endeavor. Anything that tries to make it otherwise will cause you to graduate from the school of Magna cum lousy. Enuff Mr. Briggs quotes. I think I said everything I wanted to.

Thanks and Bye everyone!
-Chris A. Czaplicki
"Grandmasta ZA"

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

Coolness coolness coolness...!!!!

Ok...first I would like to say 'hi' and give a shout out to everyone who has made this summer so freakin' awesome this year!!! This may be the first time that I was happy AND my parents were too! I did a lot. In a sense, I almost feel sorta 'fatigued' after doing stuff day after day. I apologize if this has made me seem a little 'dead' to you guys lately but please understand it's because of a very large combination of factors. If I had it my way, I'd be playing baseball and music every other day and like, rest on the others. It almost seems like I need a little 'change of scenery' and hopefully my new job will grant me this opportunity.

But rest assured, I'm not going crazy -- and I think the remainder of the summer will work out just fine.

I do plan on changing things up a little, though -- and this *may* come as a surprise to you, but understand I need to *change* things up a little for now.

Later today I plan on re-arranging the basement in preperation for the autumn months...which means I'm cutting down to 2 computers (plus laptop and server so it's really more like 4 :) I'm doing this just to clean house and simplify things a little bit. You guys can still stop by and play multiplayer Diablo, etc. but I don't expect to have any future 'Cyberfests'
for awhile. We've had some great cyberfests this summer -- much better than last!!! At least things were managable!!! And I didn't piss off my parents every time I had one either!!!

I have to say I really REALLY enjoy playing music with everyone once again...chances are we won't be able to get any sorta 'band' together before school begins, BUT we can still work together to become better -- and that's
most important!!! Fun schtuff!

Next e-mail I have some new ideas for my website, etc. Read it and gimme your thoughts!

-Chris A. Czaplicki

American Pie part DUEX, etc.

Ok...first I would like to say 'hi' and give a shout out to everyone who has made this summer so freakin' awesome this year!!! This may be the first time that I was happy AND my parents were too! I did a lot. In a sense, I almost feel sorta 'fatigued' after doing stuff day after day. It's like I need a little 'change of scenery' and hopefully my new job will grant me this opportunity.

Anyhow, as I have heard we planned to go see American Pie 2 last Friday but due to mutual agreement it has been postponed until this weekend. I just want to make sure this is still cool for everyone. Chances are I'll be going camping this weekend but will probably still be able to make it if we go on Friday evening.

And Eddie -- EDDIE!!!! WHERE ARE U? Wake up we all want to hear from you and your magical GlowSticks!!! Will you be returning home soon???

So if anything is up anytime soon just gimme an e-mail or call sometime.
I'm sorta excited so I'll be happy to hear any sort of news whatsoever!

-Mr. ZA

Saturday, August 11, 2001

Another GAME for EVERYONE to Play!!!

I was very ecstatic to see that my previous game called "I'll play your game you rogue" was rated so incredibly high by the ZA Readers Club. The current high scores belong to:

Geoffrey Reeder, 25 points (for getting punched in question #1) ZA - 20 points (for doing a log roll into ridge road and somersaulting back
Bernie - 18 points (for imitating a hungry raccoon in my garbage can and successfully consuming 360 calories) Alex - (-5 points) Ended up in negatives for cheating in the rabid dog incident

Thank you to all who participated!

Our next game is called "Everybody Loves PATRICK!"
The object of the game is to collect all the sound bits from a PATRICK song by "The Goofy Bastards" and transplant them into a hit song of your own liking.

Just think of the possibilities!!!

Staind - It's Been Awihle (Patrick) - (Pizza) - (Patrick) (patrick) Limp Bizkit -- checkkkkkkooouuuuPATRICK!!! (woe...check out patrick?) Creed - With PATRICK wide open? (Is this even possible?) If so I quit.
Duran Duran - Hungry like the (PIZZA)
Britney Cleary - IM PATRICK!!!!!! OMG this is 2 funny!!!1

Ok -- I gave you some ideas now LET'S GET TO MAKING MUSIC!!! Deadline for entries will be August 31, 2001. Results soon to follow. I'm anxiously waiting to see everybody's work!

Friday, August 10, 2001

Top 10 Quotes of 2000-2001 School Year

10) would take over 30,000 bowls!...

9) "You've got quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube"

8) "I smashed face today"

7) "Suck-a suck-a suck-a"

6) "PATRICK. PATRICK. Just wanna let you know..."
"This one goes out to the JCU softball team"

5)"Stp Rocker: today was weird...
ZaRocks: cool beanoes
ZaRocks: why?
ZaRocks: did u work?
Stp Rocker: yessir
Stp Rocker: and uh this girl at work started making out with me in the aisle Stp Rocker: out of strange Stp Rocker: I'm pretty sure she wasn't drunk either
ZaRocks: ok..."

4) "We're digital divas. Believe us"

3) "Oh what luck...there's a french fry stuck in my beard"


1) "I'll play your game you rogue"

-Christopher Alexander Alber Avenue

The 2000-2001 School Year (in Review?)

Life is like baseball; with every season comes changes. New experiences, new friends, new beginnings and of course, new endings. But don't forget to leave out the "Neverending Story" of the saga of Buffalo ZA. Ok -- that didn't make any sense. I have successfully deleted the opportunity of this paragraph meaning ANYTHING at all.

But what I really meant to say is -- the current "season" is almost over, and a new one about to begin. I like to think that the school "year" begins in September and ends with the big party during summer. So in essence we're still in the '00-'01 year, soon to rollover to '01-'02. It's all one huge cycle. Let's see...last year it went like this:

September/October '00 - Everyone goes off to school. ZA stays at home. ZA goes to Tri-Hi. ZA plays softball and stuff. ZA works at the rink too!

November/December '00 - ZA is bored. ZA does not know what to do except to whine about the rink. ZA spends lots of $$$ and parents get really mad.
Then comes Xmas. ZA is happy again to see friends return. Yeehaw!

January-April '01 - ZA changes attitude. SIMPLIFICATION is key. ZA begins search for a REAL job, but fails. Grrr. ZA starts playing magic again and the social life opens up once more. The rink is still fun. Uncle Ralphie takes off for a month and CIC's are in March.

May '01 - ZA's brother-in-law Jim gets Kidney transplant. Za's sister Donna passes away from a combination of 1,000,001 different ailments. A very sad time for myself, but with death comes new life.

June/July '01 - More fun ZaFests, Softball, Music, Magic and Diablo II! ZA goes out west to experience extremely large stretches of open rocky wasteland. ZA whips a mule's ass wif a belt.

August '01 - ZA keeps up the good work. Yay.

WTF have I been up to?

Don't even ask :) You know me -- I'm always getting into trouble everyday.
My name is on the blackboard with 4 checkmarks. Uh oh. You wonder...what did I manage to do today?

Well you ain't all *THAT* bad. In fact I have good news for once.
I actually have a JOB!!! The downside's only for 3 weeks but it's still a great opportunity to pay off my gargantuan bills I have accumulated during my tenure as a first-class bum. There's a little place called an employment agency that gives you the phat hooookup. Well...I'm still waiting to see the "phat" but you know what I mean :) It's cool that I can finally take home a paycheck!!!

So anyways I start on Tuesday and will work 8:30am-5:30pm. If I seem tired or dead or anything in-between it's probably because I have nothing better to do than play Tetris Attack at work. Then again I may actually do something productive here and there. That remains to be seen...

Also in the News of ZA (hereby known as NoZ) I ate lots of Colon Blow. It tasted good but the abdominal distention that followed afterwards caused immense problems with the home plumbing system. My Bad. In other news, my fingers hurt a lot from playing guitar like a maniac. I can really knock it out. I can rock Suddam Hussein's ass back to Moscow, Russia. Actually I still am a complete novice at the instrument but at least I am having fun!

Coming up next...the top 10 quotes of the 2001 summer season!

Tuesday, August 7, 2001

ZA for ALL!

I sometimes wonder how a calm and an otherwise normal disciplined kid can act so viciously crazy. Actually, no I don't -- I know myself too well :) But anyways I thought it would be even more amazingly amazing to reflect on something we don't think about very often: The wonderful, underful world of Cardboard!

Cardboard, everybody...can be thick, thin, black, white, but usually brown.
Without it, we wouldn't have a lot life's little luxuries including:

-Homes (well, when I mentioned "little" luxury I wasn't really kidding) -Pepsi cubes -- pepsi would remain but without a box to hold the cans, a case of Pepsi would kill 24 Seals or Ducks with plastic rings -Toilet paper rolls -- it isn't rocket science to know that rolling toilet paper without a firm outer core is a daunting and otherwise inefficient task. Do you know what we would have to use instead of a toilet paper roll?
Individual sheets. We had these in grade school (and maybe in high school?) and let me tell you -- LITTLE 4X4 SHEETS OF TP ARE JUST A LITTLE TOO SMALL -Boxes for ZA. This only inhibits ZA from being delivered, thank God.
Still, I see it as a very important innovation just as the light bulb was.
-Computer game boxes -- well, in a couple years this will completely phase out as software will most likely disappear from store shelves (probably not, but we may see the beginnings of it soon) -Jigsaw Puzzels. Have you ever made a jigsaw puzzle out of paper just for fun? It doesn't work, DOES IT?
-Those little chalkboards you had at home in kindergarten -- don't be fooled...the surface may not be cardboard, but underneath the surface lurks something interesting.
-Your attic. It would not be called an 'attic' if cardboard boxes didn't exist. It would instead be referred to as a 'Personal Antique shop' or 'Landfill', whichever suits your fancy.
-Packard Bell Computers -- obviously, this is a no-brainer -UPS, FedEx, etc. -- again, a no-brainer (makes you wonder how friggin' rich that cardboard inventor guy really is!) -Shoes -- I guess shoes could still be worn, but they could never be transported. Is there any other box in the world more widely known and accepted as the "Shoe Box?"

Ok I thought enough today.

Tomorrow I will have another GAME for EVERYONE to play! It will be called...Everybody Loves PATRICK!
