Tuesday, June 26, 2001

It's a conspiracy, man :)

Ok...something really intriguing has occurred recently

Eddie and I have gotten like, these e-mails from CrushLink, and have absolutely no idea where they originated. Actually, I WAS able to find one of them (they got my e-mail from a message board) but the rest I really don't know.

So what's a poor guy like me to do?

Well, I sorta put in all e-mail addresses of the girls I know into my "Crush List" (not everyone got them since i had hints from the site) and didn't get any matches. So before all of you were probably wondering "Oooooooh who's got a crush on mEEEE?" but I'm here to spoil the day. That's ok -- I still love you all :)

So now it's like -- OK who are these people??? They have to know my e-mail address from somewhere :) Maybe it's a conspiracy from the "Psychological Warfare Division of the Sisterhood to Destroy All Men" or something. I post a lot of stuff on "student advice" forums so maybe that's where it's from.
Then again, my address book is bigger than the Yellow Pages from all my card sales from years past.

But it was fun while it lasted!

Later peeps,

Monday, June 25, 2001

Sit back, relax and enjoy the nice weather!

Well, that's what I'm doing at least. Fun stuff, especially when the parents are out at the camper for 5 straight days :) But I'm keeping busy with various duties, such as playing computer games, softball, sleeping, roadtrips and bank runs. That's such hard work! And oh yeah -- don't forget writing e-mails too!

Anyways, just to let everyone know once again the D2X Cyberfest will be this Friday, and will probably start sometime in the afternoon (or whenever I can haul my ass up to Best Buy) and see whazzup... The remainder of the weekend will probably be well-spent playing Diablo, although I am unsure to what extent this will be...

I am also having a second interview for this job i really really want on Thursday, so wish me luck! Maybe I can start being productive and take home like, a paycheck or something like that. It will be better then staying up until 5AM and getting up at noon every day :) Whatever works, right?


Sunday, June 24, 2001

10 things WORSE than a whole night with Andariel

Andariel is an evil villain that looks really funny. I have a picture of her posted at http://www.cyberpalace.cc/zaonline/andariel.jpg She is very scary. Fortunately I have only had to confront her 3 or 4 times, which is few compared to others who cannot escape her grasp. Others just run away like a little pansy. Dude, that's just wrong :)

So what could be worse than that? Well, let's see. I can think of only a few, but I think you will all agree with me here...

10) Being trapped in a car with the radio on a continuous playlist of Godsmack's "Bad Religion", Godsmack's "Voodoo", Creed's "Higher" and "With Arms Wide Open", and anything by the Dave Matthews Band. Oh yeah -- if you turn the radio off you will only be able to hear the ambient background noise of Cher's "Believe"

9) Having any of those above songs stuck in your head because you've heard them 500 bazillion times and want to get a Lobotomy.

8) Being stuck at the top of the tree, with a fearsome grizzly bear awaiting you at the bottom, while 100,000 sabre ants on a mission simultaneously decide they need to make the tree their new home.

7) An evening with any (or all) of the 4 hip gals from the Moulin Rouge, except MAYBE Mya...who has some redeeming qualities. Ok, maybe not. Forget I even said that. I'd rather rip my nose off with a can opener. I'd rather bob for apples in a sewer.

6) Being locked in a cell where ZA goes completely insane and starts playing the Electric Chocobo theme on the keyboard for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS on end. Then, when you didn't think it could get ANY worse, I transmute into a hot dog and eat myself.

5) Working at the rink on Friday night with hundreds of junior high girls wearing skimpy outfits that make Jennifer Lopez look like a schoolgirl.
While the boys continuously throw toilet paper wads on the ceiling, and punch the fire extinguisher glass.

4) While with Alex, someone unknowingly says any of the following words:
Miracle whip, horsey sauce, heinz tomato ketchup, joyride, belt, mullet, Alanis Morisette, Louis Farukkhan, batman, superman, Milburn.

3) Wearing a right-handed baseball glove when left-handed. Eventually, you will pay for your misjudgments.

2) Sitting through an 8-hour lecture presented by Mr. Hicks, Mr. Maris, Mr.
Kasper and Mr. Peepers.

---and finally---

1) Having a camera pointed at you when you're bracing yourself on the toilet...especially when you're only 4 years old and have no idea what's about to happen to that picture 16 years later. UUUUgh!

Yeah that was fun, now i need schleep!


Friday, June 22, 2001

A slight break in the action...

Hey guys WAZZAAAAP???

Anyways, just to let you guys know I'm having some troubles. Nothing serious I just feel sorta tired and kinda irritable or something. There's probably a few causes of it, but probably the biggest one is that I've just been sitting here in the catacombs too long and things get sorta gloomy down here after awhile. Giant squid come to eat you a lot.

But I dunno...I just don't feel like myself and I just need a break from everything. Well, not everything -- just tired of all the sitting and the computer stuff, etc. A couple of my comps are running a bit sluggish and Diablo isn't doing too well either. And I really don't feel like doing too much except for one thing --

And that's playing baseball :)

God I wish I was on a team for the summer -- too bad I didn't have any $$$ to start one or else I definitely would have...I know there's a lot of ppl who would love to as well, so really it would work fine if I had the financial resources. But until then there's always practice at the State Road or Parma High diamonds. Hopefully we'll be able to take the field sometime early next week. And Alex -- REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR GLOVE!!!

Other than that, I just thought it would be best to keep the computers off here for awhile...I just need some time to regain some sanity and fresh air, and I really can't do that too much now. So when can we possibly resume action?

Well, guess what? The Diablo II expansion comes out on Friday, June 29.
Guess what that means??? HUGE HARDCORE D2X FEST!!! Yeah, that's right!!!
Until then, I hope everyone doesn't get Diablo withdrawal and that next Friday might mean just a little bit more...

Allright...ok... next week I'll try to think of other stuff for us to do so i'll keep everyone posted...

Later dudez,

Wednesday, June 20, 2001


I need one! I have no money. Therefore I will be accepting donations for a good megapixel model. Must have at least 4 megs of memory to store good pics.

Just kidding! Actually, I really could use one, especially to take pics to put on the cyberpalace site -- I've been saying that for over a year now but i could never find one I liked. But prices keep going DOWN and I guess I could use a little help picking something good out when I actually do get $$$!


Saturday, June 16, 2001

Bungalow Bill, TUBZ Root Beer and Horsies

3 of my favorite things. When i get to the bottom i go back to the slide...where i stop and i turn and i go for a ride.

tell me tell me tell me the answer

please don't do a lyrics search it's unhealthy :)

How is everyone doing? I am perfectly fine. Really. I don't want to think right now -- I am trying to conserve energy and gain weight so extra thinking may be anti-productive.

Have you ever felt that way??? It's really weird...you just sit there and act like a robot. I am not a robot but right now i might as well just be one. This music is really getting to my head. It's gonna put me into a complete days any minute now.

Hay guess what -- I think i just did something really cool. I left my car windows open last night and it did not rain in the car, even though there was a perfect storm. Yay. Nay? Neigh? Hay is for horses. Wunderful.
Chinese FOOOOOOD. Great. My mind is warped. Too many random thoughts.
This isn't good. Maybe I should lay off the bong. Nah. I can't lay off anything I don't own.

What ever. I feel like alex trebek. a total robot. a total ignoramus of a person that hopes to throw horseshoes at fenceposts and play croquet with clothes hangers. i am in wonderland right now. hearties. yum.
numnumnumnumnum. toejam football. wild honey pie

You may wonder what it's like to have my mind. Then again, like most normal people you don't. Good. Now go back to your one-dimensional physical lives and watch me dream in all 64 crayola colors. Sail across the atlantic.
Float upstream into the void of endless oblivion. And watch yourself have the time of your life. you can do ANYTHING! just let your thoughts flow into an aura of mystery. or else

Spinning round and round and round until everything in the room looks like one -- a beautiful object of light and color and power. Stare as your eyes become heavy and close soon after. Drift away into the night. Float away and let the grasp of reality slip away. Let your spirit take off wherever it wishes. Let it frolic in the nearby park -- or go somewhere else -- it doesn't have to exist in a physical matter. Go away. far far away. seek the farest reaches of your mind...look at all the people you know..all the places you have been and look to see where you want to go. it isn't hard.
just relax. breathe deep and your head is spinning. look into the past.
think of all the events you learned in history class. imagine yourself there. you are now standing at the foot of a very famous building you aren't sure what ist is...look around. you see everyone, yet you know no one. you feel as though yuou've been here before but you have no idea when or how. suddenly a loud blair comes from out of nowhere. you drift away.
then somewhere else. voices from everwhere. some shouting. some singing old harmonies you haven't heard before. and yet you hear other familiar sounds which help you decide where to go next. mooo.... into the catacombs...of fear of peace. of lonliness of great joy. you hear a loud cheer followed by distress you are confused. where do I go next? what am I doing here. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! thankfully, you were saved but now in a position of fear and anxiety, you continue onwards in your dream, looking for peace. you have found it. water flows but suddenly it turns red and a body emerges. you look around and you see a million dead souls they seem to be following something. it is a commotion of sorts, but you are soon relieved to see eldorado. take this brother, may it serve you well. look up. you hear your family. your friends. ahhh....wher is this coming form/ who is this? grr...you begin to hear more shouting, but it is subsiding.
you awaken and find yourself back in a comfortable setting. good night.
sleep tight.

phew that was fun. it's cool to be able to drift away in a dream and still be able to type :) Hopefully i'll be able to do it better in the future. i tried to stay halfway coherent i know i repeated stuff like, millions of times but i just thought i'd experiment a little.

until tomorrow, i'll TTYL


Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Project!!! (I need suggestions)

Ok I need to accomplish something for my moral satisfaction. So I've decided to do some sorta big project for the summer that I could aim towards. At first it was to get my MCSE certification, but it ain't gonna help if I don't get work experience first. Therefore, I have decided to lay off the books somewhat, and focus on getting a job.

I have an interview tomorrow so hopefully things will go well.

Anyways I have lots of ideas from writing a book to actually start making music (like, an entire album or something) who knows. Something I would enjoy and make for lots of fun memories.

I need some suggestions!!! I figure if I have friends motivate me it will make things a little easier. So I'll leave y'all at that.


Monday, June 11, 2001

THIS WEEK!!! :) :) :)

Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of ZA will be given away because everyone is HOME and we can party like it's um...some cool day or something.

Anyways, since Eddie and Chris are home for this week and such, I guess I'd really like to do a lot of stuff with everyone or something like that. If anyone has any way cool plans for either daytime or evening, let me know.

I'll give everyone a ring or two just to see what their schedules are, and hopefully we'll eat lots of ZA and play fun games like "couch cushion wars"
or "give stink a makeover".

Enuff already. I'll talk in the mornin'!

-Chris (ZA)

It's really weird...

Ok my dreams have had some really strange things lately. Who ever thought I would dream of playing Scrabble? WTF? This is my life. Whatever.

I dunno. It just seems very strange without my sister. Little things.
Like when the phone rings I always think it's Donna. Or when my parents are gone I think they are at her house. It's really weird. At least I don't have to hear her complain that I eat like a primate anymore :) Strange.
You know -- it's like I've been set alone to fend for myself -- to go on with life knowing that you no longer have someone looking over your shoulder. Bad analogy, but you get my point. My sister was like, the first person I could talk to if I had any problems and now -- it's like I sorta have to either solve them myself or look elsewhere. I really don't know what that means, but anyways...

It's like a part of you (or your life) that's missing after knowing it for so long. The last time something like that happened was when I moved away from the trailor in Sandusky 7 years ago. You still think about it all the time. You still remember all the great times and memories. You still have dreams of the past, and how much different it was back then. It was good.
It was bad. But it was a part of your life. And no one can change that.

I guess the toughest part to understand is how full of life my sister was just a few months ago. Actually, up until the last couple weeks you would never know she had any problems whatsoever. It all happened so fast. It's like I don't even realize what just happened. But I did...it's very sad but we move on.

I can go on and on and on explaining all the great things my sister did for me, and how much she impacted my life...but I don't think I really need to go into many details. I just sorta want to let everyone know that it really feels weird sometimes. I'm over the grief and mourning but there's always gonna be a part of me that's missing. Not missing, but... what's the word -- retired, or something like that. You can always think about it but can never go back. Although I really really want to get that old trailor back when I get older :)

Things I have learned

Well then...there once was a boy gone away from society for 4 straight days.
He was once again placed into the stir of everyday city life and wondered where all the cowboys had gone. Paula Cole was there with her arms wide open, although Scott Stapp and the rest of Creed were stranded on the distant island of Asia Minor.

--OK -- this is NOT where I want this e-mail to go -- :)

Anyways, I'll make this one fun but I'll have to cut down on the insanity a couple notches. If you live in a cave, or have been away from your computer for the last few days, I'll break the news to you now -- I went camping this weekend for 4 days. FOUR DAYS!!! That's 4 days in the middle of nowhere stranded with no amenities of the usual lifestyle I lead. That meant -- NO ZA couch, ZA computer network (although I was able to bring my laptop :), NO um...that's about it.

Although being away certainly has it's upsides. It feels great just to get away from everything for awhile and just relax and practice some spiritual exercises. I did a lot of golfing too. A LOT of golfing. It's fine for the first 3 or 4 hours everyday until the allergies really start to kick in.
Then the constant itching of the poison ivy really gets to you and you're left swinging a 9-iron with nothing to think about except how far away the medicine cabinet is. Do not fear -- stink is here. She likes it out there because she can find lots of animal friends to play with and eat.

I like to eat too. I had lots and lots and LOTS and lots of chicken. It seemed like chicken was EVERYWHERE. And then there was the ice cream shop.
I ate a lot of ice cream too. Now I am fat. Actually, I'm lucky if I weigh 140 but still. Then there's always the heaping bowls of Kellog's Sugar corn POPS every morning. Along with mother's homemade pancakes. PANCAKES IS READY!

When I was tired I slept. When I was bored I listened to music or watched Family Guy or South Park episodes. My bro wanted to watch Beavis and Butthead but I wasn't able to burn them onto CD in time before we left. Oh well. I tried to watch Gladiator but the CD didn't work in this laptop. Oh well. Oh yeah -- I attempted fishing too, but didn't get a bite except for when I first dropped the pole in. Just my luck. Grr.

Golf carts are fun to ride, as well as mopeds and cushmans. I should become a professional golf cart driver or something. It could be fun. I also played Final Fantasy 2 on ZSNES. I probably should have written something cool but I never had the need to. Whatever. I just really enjoyed everything and am glad to be back after such a long time.

-Chris A. Czaplicki

Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Senior class PADUA ratings :)

Senior year at Padua. Where every day you looked forward to seeing everybody in class and studies went on the backburner... Can you say...senioritus??? Yeah, I think so. My amazing GPA combined with really dull classes caused for some interesting things.

For the very most part, all my senior classes sucked big time. It sometimes really makes you wonder if that $5,000/yr was really worth it. I had some of the most unprofessional, idiotic teachers that have ever roamed this earth. They did not make me study. They did not make me work. They dumbed everyone down since no one had any motiviation to do ANYTHING causing those who WANTED to learn to fall in the same trap.

Socially, I don't think anyone can disagree that senior year was the best by far. It was the final destination on which everything had built on for the past 3 years. And that in itself made everything all the better.

Semester 1

1st/2nd Period Physics w/Mr. Laret - F
This class almost single-handedly makes me have a negative attitude toward Padua and their mission statement. There is ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING REASON MR. LARET HAD ANY RIGHT TO TEACH THAT CLASS. He did not know shit. He spent 2 class periods trying to figure out a problem it took me less than a minute to do. We did not learn a thing in there. He did not teach. The class was outright dumb. It was a joke. It was everything you want a class NOT to be. After the first quarter or so I totally gave up on trying to learn, so I just went ahead and independently studied the rest of the book while everyone else was on Chapter 2. I didn't do any homework, I just pretty much showed up and was only awake for tests. And I still passed with not much of a problem. I gave about 1% effort. There was absolutely no reason to put forth any effort when the instructor doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And the worst part is, i'm inherently strong in math and therefore i'm pretty strong in physics. Which means I had the potential to learn so much more than what I was offered. Hay Padua -- stop spending $100k/yr on your stupid asphalt parking lot and start hiring REAL teachers that actually give a shit.

3rd Period Calculus w/Mr. Kohuth - B
Genius. That's my name, and it was my motivating factor when I really started slacking in that class. I had something to prove to Kohuth and I did so. He taught the class fairly well and he picked on the football players more than anyone else. So he left me alone until he started calling me 'Genius' because one day I didn't show work for my homework answers. So after that I had to make sure I actually gave some effort. It worked, and I have to say I learned quite a bit in that class. Now, to find a use for all that knowledge!!!

4th Period Business Principles/Entrepreneurship w/Mrs. Gathers - B I am born to run my own business, so this class was a cakewalk. Mrs.
Gathers was really nice, and we did some cool things in there. Class size was small too. The only problem was, this class didn't really teach me anything I didn't already know. I know it wasn't an "honors" course but I would think that Padua should have some higher standards for academic content. This is one of those classes that was "dumbed down" because most of the students had only average intelligence. I don't want to sound all "smarty-pants" or something but WTF - my parents spent $5k to send me here and I get this? You gotta be kidding me.

5th/6th Period Advanced Computer Topics w/Mrs. Fatica - B+ Computer classes are cool. Special classes for the top computer science students is even better. We worked on cool topics such as Visual Basic and Hardware and Powerpoint and stuff. The only problem was that the class was dominated by a couple loudmouths (I won't mention any names) and some of us didn't get the attention we deserved. But that's only a minor gripe. Mrs.
Fatica isn't the best computer teacher by a long shot, but at least she was adequate (and a much better replacement for Mr. Hicks :)

8th/9th Period British Literature w/Mrs. Wonnacott - B- Another round with Wonnie -- began w/Beowulf, continued on with Cantebury tales and finished off with Frankenstein. A very adequate class for those who gave a shit about learning. I was about 50/50 (senior factor creeping in here) but I really enjoyed a large portion of this class, even though it was English :) But I learned a lot of stuff that helped me on quiz team and I did fairly decent (even though I didn't do much homework at all) but it didn't really matter. This class was seriously dumbed-down since the class was full of dunces and everyone had to pass somehow.

10th Period Lifestyles w/Mr. Stec - A-
Ok -- maybe Senior year classes weren't *THAT* bad. Some teachers actually accept lower pay to have the opportunity to teach bright young stars. And Mr. Stec was certainly one of them. He made this class what it was meant to be -- educational and spiritual, both at the same time. A psychologist by trade, Mr. Stec understood the needs of the students and knew how to keep our attention. And we learned quite a lot too...stuff I could remember.
That was amazing. Padua needs more teachers like him.

Semester 2 - TOTAL SLACK OFF SEMESTER WITH A CUMULATIVE 2.563 GPA (2.23 4th quarter :)

4th Period Social Justice w/Mr. Keavy - A- Remember how I gave Keavy's class like, a D in sophomore year? It's amazing what a change in attitude will do for a class. In my 2 years between the two classes, I grew to learn a couple things. First, I went to school to LEARN. And second, Mr. Keavy was there to make us LEARN. And I had a desire to LEARN and to UNDERSTAND. I never previously thought I could associate with Keavy, but in all honesty, we both have the very same attitude and personality. And his favorite musical artist is Peter Gabriel too!

10th Period Government w/Mrs. Pfingsten - D Another class that puts a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth. But it was probably my fault more than anything. Second semester I had absolutely no desire to do any kind of work whatsoever. Sure, I'll write a 12-page paper for Keavy but for Lady Pfingsten? Nah. I'll pass. I'll just sit tight at my desk and draw pictures of Jen Braat on the Witches Wheel and show them to Lisa and Pam across from me. And that was the saving grace of the class -- I had a lot of friends in there, so it doesn't get an F. But it would've been nicer if I had them in a better class. Government is boring. Pfingsten is boring. She wasn't a hard teacher, but she was totally disgustingly boring.
I don't enjoy boring classes.

11th Period Photography w/Mrs. Horton - B+ Horton is great. She's upbeat and fun and all-around a good teacher. I really enjoyed that class and I sat next to John Humphrey and we had philisophical discussion a lot. That was fun. I learned how to make pictures too, which was a lot of fun. In fact, it was more than fun -- you could do 0% work and still enjoy the class and get a good grade. You could do 100% work and still enjoy the class and get a good grade. It didn't matter what attitude you took into that class -- you came out with a smile on your face!

So long and have a wonderful day!

-Chris A. Czaplicki

Saturday, June 2, 2001

Third class fun (you know this one's gonna be good :)

Just think of the movie Titanic and the third-class recreation area. Ok this e-mail has gone downhill already, even if it was as low as it could possibly be before even writing anything. I could ask you to think of Moulon Rouge :) Even if I do think it's a cool idea to have a sort of modern-day musical thingy. Yeah, you can just disregard any comment I make just be sure to have a better one in your defense!

So here I am...relaxing and maybe accomplishing a couple personal tasks.
Such as listening to Britney Cleary's "IM Me" for the next 3 hours straight.
And trying to install RedHat Linux 6.0 for the 3rd time unsuccessfully.
Great. Seems like I'm wasting time but it's good for me to get my bearings back and everything, even if it means I have to go through countless hours of agony watching endless re-runs of Family Matters. Whatever that meant, I'm not quite sure myself. Maybe I really should be doing more than smacking around hundreds of Undead Scavengers in Diablo II. My Amazon needs a rest, but her bow is more unstoppable the Bill clinton's...um intern girl.

Big deal. So what, I've got nothing better to do than to write to everyone.
What's wrong with that? I've gone through a tough week and just want to sit back and enjoy some of the things that usually put a smile in my face.
Unfortunately, this includes all the stuff you usually don't associate "ZA"
with. Like brushing a hippo's teeth or cleaning up after a shark feeding frenzy. Hopefully we'll all be able to breathe a sigh of relief once I get done rotating my ceiling tiles and alphabetize the books in my basement here. If you think I'm joking about any of this I suggest you watch the Weather Channel for 6 hours straight and tape it on VHS and watch the tape over again. Then you will feel what it is to be like me. And after that you can go ahead build a six-story card house out of all the flashcards you have accumulated through your school years.

Just when you thought it was safe to come out, your insatiable hunger for brick cheese causes you to fetch an empty Pepsi cube to pluck feathers from the nearest chicken in sight. That is the sound of a newborn world...a light from a curious sky. It has begun. You're in the hands of destiny. A destiny which is as unpredictable as Christina Aguilera has points of dignity. I really don't know what that means but I think it has something to do with the rate that moose migrate to the northwest every March and have animal fun with other mooseses. Animal fun, that's all you need to have a party larger than life. No Backstreet Boys included, but highly recommended. I heard they enjoy animal fun as well. Well, that's relatively unimportant, compared to my dog's desire to disembowel the largest rodent on this side of the Milky Way. But stink has her own qualities as a member of the canine family...she likes to bark and howl and go nuts when the mailman comes. The first time I wore my baseball umpire uniform she almost attacked me. Do they really think those cartoons are real with the dogcatchers and everything? I don't know. How else could you explain the fact that dogs explicitly have negative vibes to those wearing blue uniforms.

I bet it would be sort of fun just to hang out and enjoy walks on warm, sandy beaches. Yeah, it would be good if only I could remember not to forget my sunglasses at my friends house. But really chicks dig those who dig themselves. Literally. I once dug a really big hole and crawled in it.
But when it rained it was really cold and wet and soon lots of fish joined me and I felt like a seagull. Was I to blame? Probably not...I guess I learned a valuable lesson from all of it. I have learned many lessons in life, one of which was not to pilfer snausages from the neighbor dogs. I should've known better, but it took some 25 1/2 lacerations on my lower extremities before I grew to realize that rabid animals are evil. It's funny that I never contracted rabies...I guess it may have been because it was only in a dream, and nothing really happens in dreams. Dreams. Some are absolutely strange, and others are just plain disturbing. My sister once had a dream that she was pushing me around in a shopping cart on a nude beach. Geez the mind games. I've had stranger dreams though...and they do involve farm animals so I don't care to elaborate. Ok fine I've broken down already. I lied, there were no incidents with farm animals. Just really fat people. Fat women to be exact. I am not a cannibal. I am also not a beached whale. I may harpoon a beached whale. Yeah that sounds like fun.

This is your brain. This is your brain on ZA. Any questions? I sure have many to ask myself, and I'm sure everyone else has plenty of them as well.
No real surprise there, though considering most of my topics in the last 18 months have had to do with naming me after a food and an earthly substance (rocks). Great...what do I have to look forward to next...if you call me ZA why don't you just eat me? If you were ZA and you were hungry, would you eat yourself? I know I would. And I'm hungry right now :)

No you don't have to worry I am NOT going to devour myself. I think I already mentioned I was not a cannibal...I can't remember and I'm definitely not gonna look back in the jumbled mess I've already written to find the truth. Just everyone have fun and stuff and keep smiling because there is a little ZA in all of us! And that you can't deny!

Ok it's time for me to sleep I think...
-The magnificent ZaRocks