Tuesday, May 18, 2004

E-ZA 5/18/04

Right now it is raining. Not cats and/or dogs…just small, threadlike creatures which resemble shreds of kelp and such. I’m not the best writer of imagery but I’d figure it was worth a shot.

Not really a big fan of the rain, my friends. If I were, I would be standing outside right now, not really knowing what to do…but nevertheless having a great time getting clean yet at the same time dirty from the splashing mud.

…If I had half a brain I would write something halfway understandable here on this line, but alas the 10% of my functional brain cells wander into the great unknown.

So here we are…2004 and wondering where my children are up to…? It has been 2 full years since my last comprehensive E-ZA, which means I have a lot of catching up to do. Actually, the past 3 years have been so incredibly busy I haven’t really had any time to sit down and think about things…(of course me thinking about things always causes more problems…but what the heck?)

-The Life of ZA in 50 words or less

“Today I bought string for 39 cents. That’s the truth” “I wind string…it is so fun; I like it to wind…Winding string is a very good idea!” ~Me, something in late 1985

-The ZAfest schedule

So far Saturday evening gaming sessions seem best. Fridays and Sundays are spent practicing music. Show up with a rock instrument for a free prize!

-The ZA shack extra

I don’t even remember what this is for. The ZA Shack will be decommissioned in June. It will be replaced by the ZA Palace. Just don’t make a mess!

-The ZA rink news

I haven’t worked at the rink for 2 months…and don’t plan to return as I have retired from rink duties. A sad, mournful day for all.

-The ZA computer news

My computers are fast. If you come to play on my computers, you will receive a free prize! If you come to download porn on my computers while I’m asleep, I will send Stink after you.

-The ZA roadtrip news

I drove to Huntsville Alabama last month. That was exciting. Otherwise, I have taken quite a few short roadtrips, usually on Friday nights. Friends are more than welcome to join in countless hours of philosophical conversation.

We even saw horsies on our last trip!

-The ZA P. Jay's report

I don’t eat P. Jay’s pizza anymore. I have switched to Pizza Hut. It was a long, difficult decision for me to make…but in the end I found that Pizza Hut had more carbs and calories, which makes me fatter.

-ZA Weather

The humidity is high, temperatures hover around 72-75 degrees. I don’t spend much time in the basement anymore so this works ok.

-ZA sports

My ankle injury has kept me out of basketball and softball for the past 3 weeks. I should be ready to go for opening day at the NASA Softball League. I am the best middle infielder money can buy!

-ZA traffic

The camaro is in good shape. No traffic jams to report this time around.

-ZA's picks in popular music

Popular music sucks. Today we’ll have to go with ‘Death Cab for Cutie’ or ‘The Walkmen’ or some unknown indie band like that. ‘Muse’ is always the best though.

-ZA's picks in movies

‘Dude, where’s my car’ was always a good movie, so I have to list it again.

-ZA's picks in fashion & romance

I don’t know about fashion. I had to buy all new pants because of my increase in girth. I would have to say I look rather fashionable.

Romance is my middle name. Runnin’ wild is my game.

-ZA's sidebar

Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2004. May you make more money than I ever will J

-ZA's giant squid costume tales

The squid costume is in my bedroom closet. It won’t come out of the closet until it is ready.

-ZA's "Shoehorn w/string around it" chronicles

The shoehorn is apparently missing. Someone must’ve taken it home a couple years ago or was thrown out in the garbage or something…

-ZA's epic battle of:

Loincloth vs. Panties one-on-one!!!

Loincloth dominates yet once again. No one knows how it happens. Smart money is on the Panties for next round!

-ZA's quote of the week:

“20 chicken sandwiches would equal roughly a nickel, depending on the strength of the hen” (~Brian Nally)

Have a great week everyone!


-ZaRocks (Christopher

Thursday, May 13, 2004

E-ZA 5/13/04

Heya everyone…hopefully everyone is doing well J

I’m doing relatively well, except for another bout of painful arthritis in my ankle. Being immobile really sucks for me, especially since my job involves walking around a lot.

Sorry I can’t offer any special prizes tonight. However, I will invite y’all to my new house when I move in this summer.

Oh yeah, my email address has changed again…it is now zarocks@cox.net , so change your address books accordingly. One of these days I’ll try to get my original Multiverse email address back up and running. Until then, we’ll have to use this address.

This summer I don’t have too many plans…mainly just prepare for the big move and get things started on the right track once again. As long as no giant squids harass me in my dreams, or the squid costume comes to envelop my right arm I’m in fairly good shape.

Our new band has started. We need to start recording. Probably once we get settled in the new house with a dedicated ‘band room’

Gaming continues to live on…just not to the extent that I used to back in the HS days. Most of us have lives now J

…of course spontaneous bouts of unusual erratic behavior are always welcome. Just please, no gambling. Or strip poker. Well…that depends actually!

Seeya all around!



Grandmasta z.DaWGg