Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Ok...this was uncalled for...

There ain't that much I can say that everyone doesn't know already...today was a very tragic day in American history. I don't think words can really describe the horrible act of violence witnessed in our country today.

We can go on and on trying to find solutions. Todays actions prove that even our national megapower has it's own weaknesses. We aren't invincible, no matter how technologically advanced we may think we can be. In fact, we have many weaknesses. I hesitate to say that our country is a "time bomb", but the sad truth is that even the simplest of problems can sometime bring our great nation to it's knees. Our economy is finding itself in a world of hurt right now...although probably the least of our concerns right now...

I have never experienced such an extreme tragedy in my lifetime...at least that I am conscious of at this time. If nothing else, we can see it as a "wake up call" to all those who still believe that we're invincible. We learned when Shakespeare wrote "Security is mortals' chiefest enemy".
Anything can happen at any time.

Our country is fairly peaceful. You don't see too many acts of violence in everyday life, but many times in the news we hear about violence in the city and stuff. It really makes you wonder why we're killing ourselves. Disarm yourselves. Give peace a chance.

In memory of all those who have perished this morning; the passengers and the pilots on the USAir and AA flights, the workers in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and all the innocent bystanders. Our prayers go out to the friends and families of the deceased. Send this to five people to show your support. DONT BREAK IT


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